The Dual Challenge

Affordable, reliable energy is key to human flourishing, but emissions from our current energy system are increasing global temperatures.

Note: GDP is adjusted for purchasing power parity.

Sources: Bain & Company analysis; BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2021; Vaclav Smil, Energy Transitions: Global and National Perspectives, 2017; Maddison Project Database 2020, Jutta Bolt and Jan Luiten van Zanden, "Maddison style estimates of the evolution of the world economy: A new 2020 update"; World Bank; Our World in Data.

OpenMinds’ Solutions
Bending the curve by 203X
will take an all-of-us effort.
Methane abatement

Methane abatement

Coal-to-X switching

Coal-to-X switching

CCUS in electricity & industry

CCUS in electricity & industry

Renewables (i.e., solar and wind)

Renewables (i.e., solar and wind)



Electric LDVs

Electric LDVs

Industrial efficiency & electrification

Industrial efficiency & electrification

Transportation energy efficiency

Transportation energy efficiency

Buildings Efficiency

Buildings Efficiency

Heat pumps

Heat pumps

OpenMinds’ Impact
We are making impact in four areas to address the Dual Challenge and drive progress.

Connecting America


NextGen Leaders


Decarbonizing Generation


Communicating for Impact

We are scaling our impact by partnering with global management consulting firm, Bain & Company.

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