CCUS in electricity & industry

Point-source carbon capture in power and industry can help reduce emissions in difficult to abate sectors.

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  • CCUS
  • Carbon capture, utilization, and storage is a three-step process: the point-source capture of CO2, its compression and transportation, and its use or storage.


Global greenhouse gas emissions – share of total (2019).


CCUS can be deployed in both the power and industrial sectors, leveraging existing infrastructure and thereby limiting switching costs.

  • Limiting Costs
  • by leveraging existing infrastructure.

Source: Climate Watch; Our Word in Data; IEA; U.S. Department of Energy

Current State

CCUS is currently deployed primarily in high-purity CO2 streams in industrial applications (mainly natural gas processing).

A large share of existing CCUS capacity is located in the U.S. and stores captured CO2 through enhanced oil recovery.

A significant number of projects are in various stages of development—both in the U.S. and internationally—with geological storage expected to expand.

Solution Details

Given its high cost relative to some alternatives, government support will be required in the form of grants, tax credits, or carbon pricing mechanisms.

Technological improvements are also required to improve the efficiency of carbon capture technologies.

Additional regulatory changes are required to improve the permitting process for injection wells.

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