Electric LDVs

The EV market has experienced rapid growth over the past several years, with continued momentum expected.

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  • ~12%
  • Road transportation represents ~12% of all anthropogenic GHG on a CO2-equivalent basis.


Global greenhouse gas emissions – share of total (2019).


The global market for electric vehicles has experienced significant growth in recent years.

  • Growth
  • in global EV market.

Increasing awareness of climate change, advancements in battery technology, government incentives, and falling costs have contributed to the rapid adoption of EVs.

  • Rapid Adoption
  • through awareness, advancement, incentives, and falling costs.

Source: Climate Watch; Our Word in Data; IEA

Current State

In 2022, ~14% of all cars sold globally were electric, with continued momentum going into 2023. This penetration is up from ~5% of new cars sold in 2020.

Government subsidies have supported sales over the past several years.

Despite increasing penetration as a share of new vehicle sales, EVs will take time to constitute a significant share of vehicles on the road as the existing fleet turns over gradually.

Solution Details

Continued EV adoption will be driven by improved technology (e.g., range, charging time, etc.) and decreased upfront costs.

Greater EV adoption will also require expanding existing infrastructure, including charging networks and power grids.

To maximize abatement potential, adoption of EVs must be complemented with renewable energy integration.

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