Terms of Use
The following terms of use apply to all orders placed by the customer (hereinafter referred to as “you”) with OpenMinds hereinafter referred to as “OpenMinds”, “us” or “we”, at https://openminds203x.org/.

By using https://openminds203x.org/ and/or placing an order, you agree to be bound by the terms of use set out herein. Please make sure you have read and understood the Terms before placing your order. ❶ The inclusion of any products or services on https://openminds203x.org/ at a particular time does not imply or warrant that these products or services will be available at any time. We reserve the right to discontinue any product at any time.❷ OpenMinds reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Terms of Use, at any time. It is your responsibility to check these Terms of Use periodically for changes. Your continued use of the site following the posting of changes will mean that you accept and agree to the changes. ❸ As long as you comply with these Terms of Use, OpenMinds grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited privilege to enter and use the site.

OpenMinds Privacy Policy applies to use of this site, and its terms are made a part of these Terms of Use by this reference. Additionally, by using the site, you acknowledge and agree that Internet transmissions are never completely private or secure. You understand that any message or information you send to the site may be read or intercepted by others, even if there is a special notice that a particular transmission (for example, credit card information) is encrypted.

Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit OpenMinds liability with regard to any matter for which it would be unlawful for us to limit or exclude our liability. We do not seek to exclude liability for fraudulent misrepresentation by us. If we breach these Terms, we shall only be liable for losses which are a reasonably foreseeable consequence of such breach. Our maximum liability to you for any loss or damage arising in connection with your order on https://openminds203x.org/ shall be limited to the total price of your order.

OpenMinds does not promise that the site or any content, service or feature of the site will be error-free or uninterrupted, or that any defects will be corrected, or that your use of the site will provide specific results. The site and its content are delivered on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis. All information provided on the site is subject to change without notice. We cannot ensure that any files or other data you download from the site will be free of viruses or contamination or destructive features. OpenMinds disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including any warranties of accuracy, non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. OpenMinds disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site and/or any of our services. You assume total responsibility for your use of the site and any linked sites. Your sole remedy against OpenMinds for dissatisfaction with the site or any content is to stop using the site or any such content. This limitation of relief is a part of the bargain between the parties.

The above disclaimer applies to any damages, liability or injuries caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction of or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use, whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence or any other cause of action.

OpenMinds reserves the right to do any of the following, at any time, without notice: ❶ to modify, suspend or terminate operation of or access to the site, or any portion of the site, for any reason; ❷ to modify or change the site, or any portion of the site, and any applicable policies or terms; and ❸ to interrupt the operation of the site, or any portion of the site, as necessary to perform routine or non-routine maintenance, error correction, or other changes

Violation of These Terms of Use
OpenMinds may disclose any information we have about you (including your identity) if we determine that such disclosure is necessary in connection with any investigation or complaint regarding your use of the site, or to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) OpenMinds rights or property, or the rights or property of visitors to or users of the site, including OpenMinds customers. OpenMinds reserves the right at all times to disclose any information that OpenMinds deems necessary to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request. We also may disclose your information when OpenMinds determines that applicable law requires or permits such disclosure, including exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection purposes.

You acknowledge and agree that OpenMinds may preserve any transmittal or communication by you with us through the site or any service offered on or through the site, and may also disclose such data if required to do so by law or OpenMinds determines that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to ❶ comply with legal process, ❷ enforce these Terms of Use, ❸ respond to claims that any such data violates the rights of others, or ❹ protect the rights, property or personal safety of OpenMinds, its employees, users of, or visitors to the site, and the public.

You agree that OpenMinds may, in its sole discretion and without prior notice, terminate your access to the site and/or block your future access to the site if we determine that you have violated these Terms of Use or other agreements or guidelines which may be associated with your use of the site. You also agree that any violation by you of these Terms of Use will constitute an unlawful and unfair business practice, and will cause irreparable harm to OpenMinds, for which monetary damages would be inadequate, and you consent to OpenMinds obtaining any injunctive or equitable relief that OpenMinds deems necessary or appropriate in such circumstances. These remedies are in addition to any other remedies OpenMinds may have at law or in equity.

You agree that OpenMinds may, in its sole discretion and without prior notice, terminate your access to the site, for cause, which includes (but is not limited to) ❶ requests by law enforcement or other government agencies, ❷ a request by you (self-initiated account deletions), ❸ discontinuance or material modification of the site or any service offered on or through the site, or ❹ unexpected technical issues or problems.

If OpenMinds does take any legal action against you as a result of your violation of these Terms of Use, we will be entitled to recover from you, and you agree to pay, all reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of such action, in addition to any other relief granted to OpenMinds. You agree that OpenMinds will not be liable to you or to any third party for termination of your access to the site as a result of any violation of these Terms of Use.

If any part of these Terms is disallowed or found to be ineffective by any court or regulator, the other Terms shall continue to apply. Void where prohibitedOpenMinds administers and operates the https://openminds203x.org/ website from its location in Berlin, Germany; other sites may be administered and operated from various locations. Although the website is accessible worldwide, not all features, products or services discussed, referenced, provided or offered through or on the site are available to all persons or in all geographic locations.

OpenMinds reserves the right to limit, in its sole discretion, the provision and quantity of any feature, product or service to any person or geographic area. Any offer for any feature, product or service made on the site is void where prohibited.

Company Information hello@openminds203x.org https://openminds203x.org/ Governing LawYou agree that all matters relating to your access to or use of the site, including all disputes, will be governed by the laws of USA.